How to Incorporate Visuals Into Your Launch


As we head into launch season, I think it’s more important than ever that we have systems and content in place to make things as smooth as possible. After all, have you ever wanted to get something out into the world for your biz and later realized that you overlooked a key component — like visuals or important email copy? Stress city.

(I totally don’t speak from experience *nervous laughs*)

There are many components to a successful launch, but the one I’m a stickler on? You may have guessed it…



When sharing about your launch everything about it has to be in tip-top shape, including the visuals.

So where must you have standout visuals? Read below and download the free checklist, before you press “LIVE” on your next big reveal. xo


1. Social Media

I know, the big Kahuna (+ the one you’ve likely thought of already) but when it comes to social media, well-curated graphics are an absolute must. You’ll want to make sure that they’re using your brand colors, brand fonts + also that they’re sized right for whichever platforms you’ll be promoting on.

When I do mine I keep in mind:

  • Instagram
  • IG Stories
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest


2. Any Opt-Ins

If you’ll be giving away any opt-in offers to go with your launch (like a snazzy workbook or checklists) you’ll want to make sure that, yes, even these babies fit in with your #aesthetic! Don’t overcomplicate it. I like to show them an example of what they can find on my site or a page or two of the freebie they can expect in my visual.



3. Blog, Babe

Your blog post graphics are a m-u-s-t. Why? Because not only is reading text-only posts a snooze fest but because these are the image options that will auto populate when someone goes to share your goodness — and they’re more likely to delete if a gorge image doesn’t pop-up off the bat.


Bonus tip: Batch It Up

You can batch your blog/email copy, social media goodies and visuals to help simplify your launch and have it all ready to go for you and your team.

Unsure of the best place to store all of this? Trello or Asana are great for team communication and file uploads. 

For Trello: We create a list for each launch and link to google docs for email copy, social shares, affiliate info, and include a link to Dropbox for all our visuals. Adding due dates, and tagging the appropriate team members as needed.

Can’t think of all of the promotional graphics you’ll possibly need? I’ve created a checklist that you can print and use, or add to Trello / Asana for your next launch. Easy peasy.

And, if you want to take visual curation off your plate? I’ve created tons of easily editable Canva templates for ya over, here, love! Never fear, well-branded goodness is here.

What’s your next launch, friend? Let me know in the comments so I can keep an eye-out!

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