How to Create Your Own Desktop Calendar in Canva
Changing out my desktop background is one of FAVE things to do at the start of each month.
I've changed them out so often, that I know exactly what I like and what works for me.
Something elegant and simple. Not visually busy and inspiring. Something that will motivate me to keep my desktop tidy and uncluttered.
I've found a calendar to be super handy, and have recently added a section for my Top 3 goals. I like how they are always the first thing I see in the morning when I start my day.
(TIP: close your windows down at the end of your workday, so that you start your day with your pretty desktop image. #itsthellittlethings).
I also screen on videos often for Canva trainings and tutorials, and like the right-hand side uncluttered, so that I can make the screen view smaller on my iMac.
Do you like to have a calendar or a monthly mantra that you like to add? Do you prefer it on the right or the left. I'd LOVE to hear your preferences in the comments below.
Watch the short video below on how I recommend you use it.
Happy September!