The Only 4 Graphics Your Blog Post Needs


I’m curious, love. When’s the last time you evaluated your blog visuals?

Are you still going with the same style you did when you first started way-back-when?

Do you know you need an upgrade but just don’t know where on Earth to start?

I know how alllll of that feels (because I have been. there.) and that’s why today I wanted to whip-up a short + sweet post on the four blog graphics you need to make your latest post the Belle of the Pinterest-Worthy Ball.

Let’s get to it, yeah?



1. A Feature Image

Your feature image should include your blog title and a tagline if you think it needs a little extra explanation — and don’t forget to make sure it keeps with your brand aesthetic! This one is numero uno because it can also double as the image that you use to post to Facebook. #winning


2. Your Pinterest Visual

With Pinterest’s power to do incredible things for your biz right now (you can check out how I utilize it here) this is one you shouldn’t pass up. Keep in mind that it has to be eye-catching and vertical to make it more appealing! With captions no longer appearing on the Pinterest feed until a user clicks, this is a serious non-negot.


3. Content Upgrade Graphic

If you’re including a content upgrade — like an amazing workbook they can share with their peeps or a checklist they can reference next time they do X — you need to remember to create a content upgrade graphic. Not only will this increase the likelihood they opt-in, but it also skyrockets the likelihood they’ll share it among their tribes.


4. Sidebar Goodies

Lastly, you can’t forget about the sidebar!

Include well-branded graphics that catch the eye of your audience and make them more likely to stay and browse around a while. Not only does this help with Site Navigation time (hello, SEO!) but it’s also a great place to remind your peeps of other services, upcoming events you want to highlight, or fave affiliates.

I have faith you can all create stunning visuals, but in case you want to make it easy peasy, I have a blog bundle you can purchase for less than a mani/pedi, here. It even includes short trainings on how to personalize them for your brand effortlessly so your look is kept gorge as ever.


Tell me, friends:

Do you struggle with creating visuals for your blogs? Where do you get stuck? Let’s chat!


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