How to Make Pinterest Work for Your Business

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It should come as no surprise to you that I’m obsessed with Pinterest. With its aim to please aesthetically and importance skyrocketing in the world of small business promotion, it’s one social media network that truly embodies the heart of Nicholette Styles.

That being said, like with any social media bigwig, it can be a bit of an uphill battle making it work for you instead of just strolling (and pinning those stark white kitchen pics) aimlessly.

That’s why today, I wanted to share my top tried and true Pinterest tips with my fave femmepreneurs in all of the land. Because we all deserve to have an online presence that shines (and makes bank!)


5 Tips for Making Pinterest Work for Your Business

Tip #1: Convert to a Business Account

Yep. This one may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many boss babes I work with who tell me they didn’t even know there was a difference between account options on Pinterest! When you convert to a business account it gives you important access to analytics, so that you know exactly what your audience is responding best to and what’s a little more, “Eh.”

A quick google search will offer some easy ways to get your account converted. It’s also a good time to organize your boards and strategy.

Tip #2: Keyword It Up

Pinterest has recently upped their keyword game in their algorithm plan + I can’t recommend utilizing the keywords you use on your pins enough! My personal tip? Think of what your audience’s exact search would be and include it in your description space. As an example, when I’m promoting my Instagram Story bundle, I include the straight + to the point words >> “Instagram Story Templates” or “{Insert Adjective} Insta Story Templates” in the description.

Not sure what keywords to use? Utilize your community and ask them, girlfriend! No harm in taking a poll.

Tip #3: Aesthetics Are Bae

As I mentioned (and as you probably know) aesthetics are everything on Pinterest and while it may seem simple: “Just post pretty things.” It’s not that cut and dry.

Some things to consider include:

  • The length of your image (vertical is often best!)
  • How the photo/graphic you’re using affects the mood of your profile + the tone you want to set for your brand.
  • If the photo/graphic you’re Pinning will have text or not.

When in doubt, I have my social media template pack here so it’s as easy as 1-2-3.  

Tip #4: Pinterest Ads Are a Thing

For a while, you could get away with solely organic growth on Pinterest. Nowadays? Not so much.

If you have a budget for it and have a campaign coming up, I highly recommend looking into Pinterest Ads. Not only can they bring you tons of exposure, but they’ll also give you extreme insight into what your customers are looking for + what people are best responding to.


Tip #5: Pin Consistently

No one likes following someone who pins 100 times a day and then nothing for a month, but I understand that life is busy. And who has time to sit down and get lost on the Pinterweb each morning?!

That’s why I love scheduling tools like Tailwind to help keep my Pin game in check + consistent for my followers. Works like a charm!



I want to know: What questions do you have regarding Pinterest? Do you utilize it in your own business? Let me know in the comments! Xo Nicholette

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