How to Make Facebook Great Again

social media

Facebook has a bad rep these days.

A lot of what everyone’s saying is true: It can be majorly pay-to-play with the new algorithm changes, the constant barrage of “sell, sell, sell!” on your newsfeed can cause overwhelm and you may be thinking, “Do people even see my posts anymore?”

That being said, I still love Facebook and think it can be used as a great business tool for many reasons...when people utilize it correctly.

Here are a few ways I personally keep my Facebook mojo on the good-time train.


5 Ways I'm Using Facebook In My Biz (and you can too!)

#1: I Go Live

Letting people see your beautiful face in business is a complete must! I’ve found that people want to see the human behind the screen and really relate to who they are, what they have to offer and get a peek into what their brand is like before they make a buying decision. If anything, going live is also a way to meet and network with boss babes who you may not have met otherwise! That’s a score in my book.

#2: I Keep Things Visually Pleasing

This goes without saying, but people respond to websites, social media profiles, and newsletters when they’re on-brand and visually pleasing. Hence why I’m so diligent on making sure that my Facebook profile aligns well with the Nicholette Styles brand and is easily recognizable to those in my tribe who might already know me from other areas around the web. And if graphic creation is not your jam or you don’t want to go through the processes (or cost) of hiring a designer, I have you covered with these templates, girlfriend.

#3: I Keep Things Functional

Not only do I make sure to keep my Facebook profile visually pleasing, but I aim to keep it super functional for my peeps as well. That means making sure that:

  • albums are organized and easy to navigate,
  • that my “Learn More” button (found on the top right nav bar!) is always working (and equipped with an awesome freebie)
  • that my cover photo explains Nicholette Styles’ latest and greatest offer
  • that my Facebook group is easy to join.

Which leads me to…

#4: I Cultivate Community

By hosting a Facebook group in the past for women biz owners looking to stand out with their branding, I met so many incredible people and really honing in on the Nicholette Styles’ community. That means I popped in and answered questions, left insightful comments, shared tools + resources I thought my girls would find valuable. Something important to note if you want to hop on the Facebook group bandwagon? It cannot be used as a tool to sell tons of your services/products and if you use it as such, people won’t want to stay. Take the opportunity to show people the real you and how bright you shine!

#5: I Stay True To Me

The way I speak and the tone I use on my Facebook is the same as it is on my blog, and (for me) is the same as the way I speak IRL. I never try to be someone I’m not and the Nicholette Styles’ brand has stayed very true to the way I am... bubbly, authentic and just wanting to help women entrepreneurs succeed in their everyday.

Wondering how you can best utilize Facebook or have additional q’s? Pop ‘em in the comments + let’s chat!

xo Nicholette

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