How to Bring in Leads Through Instagram

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I’m going to let you in on a little secret of mine: Instagram is my all-time fave marketing platform.

When I browse the feed it feels like a midday coffee break and when I indulge in others' Instagram Stories it feels like a behind-the-scenes business sesh. But honestly? Growing your own Instagram can be hard work!

Between their ever-changing algorithms, the sky-high expectation of a perfect aesthetic, and the wanting to show enough behind-the-scenes to look real but never enough to show all of the “oh-my-word” moments, it can be a struggle!

That’s why today I wanted to share some Instagram tips I’ve accumulated...because us boss babes need to stick together, right?


6 Tips for Bringing in Leads through Instagram

Tip #1: Go for the Goal

Like anything you do for your business, you should go in with your desired outcome in mind. What’s your goal for hopping on Insta? Getting more customers? Showing your potential clients how amazing you are? Growing your tribe of femmepreneurs? All of the above?

Whatever it is, plan your content around it.

For example: 
If your goal is to make your followers feel like your BFF’s, are you showing them personal parts of yourself in addition to what you’re up to in biztown?

If your mission is to gain more customers, are you directing them to new offerings or products that you’d love for them to check out?

When pondering what to post: Go for the goal.

Tip #2: It’s All About Value

Posting a picture of a cute book stack here and a snap of your adorable pup there (or in my case, Pomeranian) doesn’t work anymore and you should be thinking about what value you’re putting out there for your audience. More stuck than a piece of Hubba Bubba to a sidewalk wondering what the heck to share?

Try these: 

  • Business tips.
  • A behind-the-scenes look at your service or product creation process.
  • A peek into your family life with a thoughtful caption.
  • An inspirational quote graphic that will brighten their day or make them think.
  • An exclusive offer revolving around an upcoming launch.

There are many ways to share value, and they all don’t have to include a direct offer.

Tip #3:  Consider Your Brand

Branding is huge and, like with all things biz, you should keep things consistent. That means on the ‘Gram too! Using your brand colors, usual fonts and chosen tone to keep things #onpoint is important so your audience always knows what they can expect from you.

Don’t have tons of time to create flawless IG graphics? I gotchu, girl. Check these out.

Tip #4: Analyze

Like all social media networking sites, you want to analyze, analyze, analyze to make sure you’re making the most out of the time and energy you’re pouring into growing your presence! It’s simple, really...when you know what your audience is responding well to, you can give them more, and if you see something that’s not-so-hot? You know you can attempt going in a different direction or discontinue that strategy completely.

Tip #5: Utilize Instagram Stories

I’ll say it again for the girlfriends in the back: Utilize the greatness that is Instagram Stories!

To sum-up why InstaStories are gold in a nutshell?

They’re the new grid. Photo grids are still important, but with the new algorithm, we have to be doing more to draw our audience in. That’s where InstaStories come in.

They allow your audience to see the behind-the-scenes you. People want to buy from people not a robot behind an iPhone screen. When used regularly you can seriously increase profits and get peeps to buy into why your products are so amazing. 

But, I know, your hours in a day are precious, and the todo list is piling up! That’s why I created my InstaStory Template Packs.

Because spending hours creating well-branded graphics so isn’t realistic. 🙌🏼


Tip #6: Focus on the Story

If you're still feeling stuck on writing that perfect caption to go with your image, think about sharing more than "check out the latest post on my blog" share with us your story for taking the picture, creating the blog post, a story that help us connect with you, and gets us excited to go tap that link in your profile. 

Example: I was 19 when I knew that I wanted the freedom to work from home, and never miss out on my kids lives as they grew up. I was 29, when I finally took this dream seriously. My son was born, and I knew I could never say, "chase your dreams or anything is possible" if I didn't lead by example. To learn how motherhood has made me a better business owner, head to my blog (I'm sharing 2 unexpected lessons, that finally helped me feel confident in balancing motherhood and my making money).

I want to hear from you:

What’s your number one favorite thing to see on Instagram?
What’s your number one favorite thing to share on Instagram?

Let me know in the comments!

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