Discover the Best Social Media Platform for Your Business (QUIZ)

Woman typing on a laptop computer

Whether you’re just starting your online business or you’re feeling a little burnt out from trying to do ALL the things, it’s totally normal to question whether you need to bring your A-game to every single online platform. You’re sooo not alone! I hear this ALL the time.

Let me tell you the good news, love: you don’t need to be #killingit on every single platform to run a successful online business. It’s way better to take things one platform at a time, going slow and steady and making sure you’ve ironed out all the kinks in your content creation process before taking things to the next level.

So go on, let out that breath you’ve been holding in. Doesn’t it already feel like a BIG weight has been lifted off your shoulders? 

If you really want to make a big visual impact online, your first step is to get crystal clear on the best social media platform for your business. 

Don’t panic! I’m not saying that you have to pick one platform and focus on it forever. That’d be crazy talk — there are way too many fun, creative ways to reach and connect with your tribe online! 

But, getting that clarity is going to help you streamline your graphics + content creation, and save you SO much time — so you can get back to focusing on the things in your business that bring you joy… and bring in those dollah dollah bills.

Having a game plan for tackling the best social media platform for your business is going to make things feel WAY less intimidating, so you can set those goals, make a visual impact, and then move onto other channels with more clarity, confidence and consistency.

Now, you’re probs saying, “That’s great Nicholette… but where the heck do I start?!”

Well, babe, I’m so glad you asked — because we’ve created a quiz to show you what social media platform YOU should use right now to make the biggest visual impact online. Think of it like a Cosmo quiz, but at the end of it you get to reveal your Biz Soulmate.



Which online platform do you think you’ll get? Facebook? Instagram? YouTube? Pinterest? I can’t wait to see! Be sure to post your results on your Instagram Stories and tag me @nicholettestyles so I can celebrate with you!

Remember, no matter which social media platform you decide to focus on, you need to get strategic about it, friend! Here’s how:



A platform is only as impactful as the content you create for it — so, what amazing content will you create? 

When brainstorming ideas, think about your tribe’s specific problems and how you might be able to help them solve it. What tips, tricks, or lists can you share with them to make their worries disappear? What unique insights do you have that can help them overcome those struggles?

Don’t forget to list out all the graphics you’ll need to create to support that content and really make sure you're having a bold and consistent visual impact on your platform of choice.

(Don’t worry about this yet, babe. I’ll send you a list of graphics for your best platform right after you take the quiz.) 



Your signature style is made up of the brand elements (colors, fonts, logos, photos) you use in all your graphics to make sure they look cohesive, consistent and on-brand. 

If you’re no stranger to the biz or blogging world, you probably have a visual identity already. But, if you’re newer to the online space, do yourself a BIG favor and don’t overlook this step!

Ensuring brand consistency in your graphics is soooo important if you are serious about standing out, saving time, and connecting with + converting your tribe to followers into raving fans + happy buyers.



Nobody likes to spend hours creating a graphic — even me! As much as I love Canva, I have better things to do than play around with a design all day.

If you really want to streamline your graphics creation and uplevel your blog’s visual impact in as little time as possible, you’re going to need templates. This makes design easy on you and makes it easy for your tribe to spot your content online. Consistency and repetition of your brand elements are key!

One you take the quiz, I’ll also send you a list of the go-to templates I recommend for your social media platform. Let’s make it easy as pie to uplevel your visual impact!



That’s it! It really can be that simple. Once you’ve streamlined your graphics creation with all the right templates and brand elements, it’s going to be easier than ever to connect with your tribe and blow them away with your gorgeous brand and amazing content!  

For even more tips, don’t forget to check out my four-part Streamline Your Graphics series. There’s all kinds of magic where this came from 😉.

Be sure to drop any questions you have in the comments below, and don’t forget to show me which platform is your Biz Soulmate on Instagram @nicholettestyles!

xo, Nicholette

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