Holistic Business Coaching with Nicholette

We’ve been told for so long that business looks one way — usually a masculine way. 

We have a roadmap and we follow it and we get things done, without acknowledging when things feel out of alignment or when we want to stop doing and start dreaming.

What would be possible if you could tap into a new way of building a business? 

What if you could channel the divine feminine — the part of you that wants to create massive impact, that wants to dream, that wants to nurture? What would happen if we could lean into that? 

The divine feminine has a place in business, too — and she’s ready to come out and play, my friends. I see her in all of you. I want to help more women like yourself tap into the work that lights you up, that makes feel fully aligned, and that answers the call of your soul’s purpose.
I have a vision where we tap into your soul-led work, anchor it in, and clear any blocks that hold you back. And because of that vision, I want to introduce you to Holistic Business Coaching.



What Holistic Coaching with me looks like?

To create a sacred space that focuses on the strategic side of the business just as much as the healing, I’m so, so thrilled to be supporting divine feminine leaders through both business strategy and their healing.

This is a 6-month, sacred coaching experience. During our time together, we’ll connect with your purpose and help you create the offers and business systems that feel truly effortless and mesmerizing. 

We’ll work together to gain a holistic view of your business as it exists now and where it’s out of alignment with your own soul’s frequencies.

I’ll help you uncover passive income wealth cycles and pave a new standard for how you serve your clients — while using healing modalities to tap into your potential and your power.

You’ll also learn business modalities and delve into the strategy of your business’s growth, with one key difference: We’ll also blend business with healing.

On top of my passive income cycles and offer-building expertise, I’m bringing my spiritual gifts to better guide, heal, and serve you.

We will work together to transform your business. I’ll bring in my gifts of style, strategy, and systems but also my spiritual gifts. And I ask you to bring yours, too.


Healing + spiritual guidance to raise your frequency

I want to help tap into your vision and essence — so you can connect your offers and build your own business universe.

I’m here to help you map your offers into passive cycles of wealth and help you play in the field of ease and superflow.

I’m here to help you find the blocks, the potential, and the magic within you and your business.

I believe that your business has a frequency, a vibe, a purpose, and a soul contract. You created it for a reason. 

If you are not able to step into that purpose to own your brilliance and serve your soul mate clients, you are reducing your magic and holding back your potential.

I want to help you tap into your unique business path and the blocks that keep you from pursuing your life’s work with confidence and clarity.


This isn’t just the Kajabi expert Nicholette. Or the Canva Template Shop creator. Or the woman who helps other women create their passive income offers.

 This is a glimpse of the woman who is on her journey to becoming a healer, who is finally seeing the potential of her work, who is being called to dive deeper with her clients… and who is on a mission to help other business owners tap into their soul-purpose work. 

I found the connections between everything that brought me to where I am today and the pieces of where I’m going. The brand immersion showed me one thing: I can bring my new healing modalities into my work with female entrepreneurs, and I can use it to help you uncover what you’re truly put here to do.

And I am so excited.

I’m here to help you unlock pieces of your brand and business so you can create cycles of passive wealth. 

I’m here to help you develop your unique business path and identify the offers that can help you elevate your brand and serve more people. 

I am dedicated to helping you find clarity and confidence. But we are going to dig even deeper. We are going to tap into that divine feminine and see what waits for us in that pool of potential.

If you’re with me and want to tap into your divine feminine and see how it can elevate your business, your offers, and your spirit, I’d love to invite you to apply to Alchemize · Anchor · Archive


Is Coaching with me right for you?

This coaching offer is for the woman who has a fire inside of her to serve, to make an impact, to build a legacy. This woman, when she’s in alignment, is magnetic, floating with ideas, multi-passionate, and revolutionary. 

When she is in flow, she is mesmerizing, she is magic, and making money is effortless for her. In her world, things happen fast — ideas for masterclasses, new offers, clients saying yes, clients setting new energetic standards.

But to help her get there, she needs the right team to give structure to her work so she can stay in the clouds and continue to serve her soul-mate clients.

She wants a team that complements her gifts and can repurpose what she’s already created into passive cycles of wealth so her work continues to serve her clients.

She needs someone that gets her vision and can bring it to life. Someone who can extract the stars in her business universe and repurpose her current and new offers so she can continue to play in the field of ease and superflow.

She doesn’t just need business coaching — or another “strategy.” She doesn’t need another program telling her to create a new offer or to build a different business model.

She wants to get the root of her calling, to uncover what she’s truly put here to do.

She wants to remember what it’s like to feel ease, to be in flow, to play in the clouds (instead of in spreadsheets). To see her vision come to life through aligned action.

And she wants work that lets her play while still attracting abundance and manifesting the money she wants to support the lifestyle she craves. 

She knows she has old wounds to heal, new growth to unlock, and energies to release (or support). And she knows that those aren’t separate from her business.

She knows we are spiritual, physical, elemental beings — and all of that bleeds into who we are as business owners, parents, partners, and any other title we may hold.

She knows that, if she had support with the internal healing she needs, she could unlock her potential externally.

Is that you? If so, apply here.


Let’s unlock your potential together

You’ll work with me for 6 months, during which time we’ll connect with your higher purpose, identify what needs to be healed, and create the offers and business systems that feel truly effortless and mesmerizing. 

We’ll work together to gain a holistic view of your passive income wealth cycles and pave a new standard for how you serve your clients — while using healing modalities to tap into your potential and your power.

I’m here to help you find the blocks, the potential, and the magic within you and your business. And I am ready to start now.

Just think where the next 6 months will take you when you’re supported by someone who is here to elevate all the facets of who you are. 

If you’re ready to grow professionally, personally, and spiritually…

Apply here.

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